Carnet de Passage needed!

After a few days in our hometown Thessaloniki, it’s definitely time to depart for central Asia, now equipped with a state-of-the art MissionLink satellite antenna provided by our precious sponsors Thales and supported by Navarino.
Date of departure is fixed for Monday, December 16th and we plan to enter Turkey later in the same week. There is only one problem we face – the notorious Carnet de Passage, the passport for every vehicle that needs to travel overland around the world.
Since our Iveco bears Italian plates, we asked from ACI, the Italian Automobile Club, to issue one. The answer was that we needed to provide a bank warrantee of 18.000 euros (double the price of the 9.000 market value of our Iveco.
We don’t have this amount of money, so we asked from our people at ELPA, the Automobile Club of Greece (which is considered bankrupt and expected to close sooner than later). Temporary President and friend Mr. Bavellas was positive to help us but unfortunately ELPA is not entitled to issue CDP’s for foreign plate cars.
When we visited Sofia in Bulgaria, we asked the same from the local Automobile Club but the answer was the same: “we issue Carnets only for Bulgarian-plated cars.
Last week we communicated with ADAC in Germany, after a good friend and fellow overlander informed us that they issue CDP’s for foreign cars (his cars is greek plated).
The German ADAC officer replied promptly but was clear and disappointing: “unfortunately we can’t issue a CDP for an Italian registered vehicle, so you need to ask from ACI”.
Now what? We feel a little bit embarassed because without a Carnet de Passage we will theoretically not be accepted in countries like Iran and India and without the FIA document we will probably have certain delays and local fees to pay even in other countries (from Indonesia to Australia).
This is a setback for us but we have only two options left: one is to ask for a Carnet from Swiss Automobile Club TCS. The second is to proceed as we are. It will be an adventure in anyway! What would you do in our position?